Giving up on someone who used to mean everything to you at some point is

one of the most difficult things to do but notwithstanding we all at some

point must have been faced with this tough decision.

Changes in communication and inability to communicate effectively with each

other, Lack of Trust, Growth at times, Depression, Loss of attraction,

ingenuity or the emergence of a new person behind the scene could all serve

as contributory factors.

Either you are the initiator of the breakup or you are at the other end,

moving on has to be one of the most difficult things to do.

This article seeks to help you navigate this period and ensure your actions

during this period would not cause any further damage to your mental health

seeing that the news the breakup is enough mental and emotional pain for

one person to live with.

What are these steps to take after a breakup?

1. Allow yourself to grieve: yes, allow yourself to grieve and grow through

the pain. Miss them for as long as you need to and do not be in a hurry to

replace this once amazing partner you had as doing so would only make you

an emotionally damaged person seeking love from wherever a glimpse of it is caught.

2. Take some time apart and respect each other’s boundaries: this is not the

best time to remain friends. If possible, try to avoid any form of contact with

this person. Just give each other that needed space to reevaluate your

decision, conclude on its rationality And then think of what new step is

needed. Relocate if you have to or get a new job or just take your mind off reconnecting at this point.

3. Prioritize Self-Care : this is actually the best time to build that body, buy

those skin care products, work on your acne and grow those muscles. Invest

in amazing wears and perfumes, dress to be complimented, intern at new jobs

and positions, learn new skills, volunteer if you need to. This Is the best time

to do everything that works to improve your well-being as a person.

4. Do things you have always enjoyed: get busy enjoying your life doing

those amazing yet mentally stable and stimulating activities you’ve always

wanted to try. You could go for a vacation, Jet Skiing, Mountain Climbing,

Shopping with your friend group, explore the world and just laugh out loud at every given opportunity.

5. Revamp your space: mentally, there is this stagnancy that comes with

seeing everything the same way you’ve always had them. Now is the best

time to remodel your cubicle. Buy newer furnitures, change your tiles, repaint

your walls, reposition some objects, get some figurines and just revamp your

entire space most especially your bedroom since it was an harbor of memories.

6. Seek professional help if you need to: moving on is easier for some than

others and if you find yourself crying to bed every night six months after the

breakup, you sure do need to see a therapist and pour your heart out as this

professional would guide you on better ways to work things out.

7. Move closer to God : as funny as it sounds, it does actually work.

Whatever supreme being you believe in this context is God. Find ways and

reasons to go back and dedicatedly rely on this being.

8. Open up to New people: after you must have healed, Yes after you are

sure there is no form of bitterness, hurt or hatred within you towards

everyone that looks like this individual, you should open up to newer people, well vetted with better intentions