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Boy wakes up in another country after hiding in container during hide-and-seek game

A yet-to-be identified 15-year old boy who hid in a cargo container during a hide and seek game have been discovered a week later in another country.

Following the news by India Times, the Bangladeshi teen identified as Fahim, was said to be Playing hide and seek game with his friends in port city of Chittagong on January 11 and he hid inside the  container that was later transported.

Boy wakes

Times India reported that the Teenager entered and slept in the container and The container was then loaded onto a commercial ship bound for Malaysia, where the boy was discovered six days later on January 17 in West Port.

Fahim reportadely slept off in the container only to wake up 2,000 miles away in Malaysia. It turned out that he was mistakenly locked up in the Integra container ship and sailed across the Indian Ocean.

After he was found, officials reported that he had developed a fever and was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.