Home crime Did you know? Who is Shina Rambo?

Did you know? Who is Shina Rambo?

Did you know?  Who is Shina Rambo?

Did you know? Who is Shina Rambo?

“Shina Rambo is around” in the 1990s,that statement would send shivers down the spine of everyone especially police officers.

This was one man that enjoyed being a terror, the police nightmare, a major security challenge.

Rambo is a former bandit, kingpin and well known armed robbery kingpin who terrorized Nigerians and other surrounding nations like Benin Republic and Ghana.

He was a man who enjoyed the thrill of being able to oppress people with power and this was largely due to his late father’s influence.

Shina Rambo’s father was a military personnel who came home frequently with large sums of money which must have been  gotten from people they had oppressed during their daily operation.

The Story Of Shina Rambo - The Most Notorious Armed Robber In Nigerian History.

Little Rambo found this style of life alluring and took on the life of force while growing up.

the use of fetish tools was embraced by Shina Rambo  and usually gotten gotten from the

most unusual places including River goddesses, Feasting on

human flesh and blood, sleeping in coffins and carrying diverse

sorts of sacrifices just to remain untouchable by those who were

after him.

Shina Rambo raided banks and industries with sophisticated

weapons and had an insane collection of guns, explosives and bullet belts.

He would intentionally take routes he knew he would come face

to face with personnel of the Nigerian Police Force so he could

deal with them profusely and ridicule their pitiable state.

Shina Rambo was a 6ft 5inches well built dark skinned man with bloodshot eyes and hands ready to lift anything up in terror.

He was arrested and he spent a few years in jail after which he came out and became a repented Christian.

Shina Rambo is currently an Evangelist that goes by the name

Mathew Oluwanifemi who goes all around the world telling people

his story and converting souls for God.