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“Don’t Date women who always upload their pictures on social media- Lady Advises Men

A Nigerian Lady has resulted to social media to Advise ,Men to desist from having serious and romantic relation ship with ladies who always up0load the pictures on social media.

According to fellow who disclosed this in a short video ,women wo upload their picture frequently on social media is indirectly seeking the attention of other and thus advised men to withdraw their commitment from such Women,

“If you are dating a girl that is always uploading her pictures on social media, my brother withdraw your commitment for such woman because she is indirectly telling you that she is avaliable to other men. Any girl that always uploading her pictures on social media is craving the attention of other guys, I’m not far from the truth and you know  that . I know some of you will be like ,So because i have a boyfriend, i should not post my picture on social media. This is what 90% of women do.

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in another news, Nigerian man has take to social media to lamented how a gay man he slept with demanded transport fare from him.

This story that was shared by a twitter user identified as  Apata Kehinde disclosed that the man decided to sleep with his fellow man to get some money.

The man said that he believed that gays use to have money so he decided to try his luck ,

However, after extreme intercourse, the gay man he slept with, demanded money and this made him real mad.

Apata wrote

“My guy decided to sleep with a man cuz he heard gays have money. After a night of intense penising, the other dude asked him to give him money for fare that he’s the babe in the relationship. My guy nearly craze. 😂🤣😂😂😂.”