Home viral Fake Mad man caught with sack filled with dead babies

Fake Mad man caught with sack filled with dead babies

A man faking madness have been beaten to pulp by the mob after they ransacked and discovered that his bag was filled with dead babies.

This incident along Cele Expressway, Lagos on Sunday November 6 and the perpetrator is yet-to-be-identified.

According to the information gathered, the passerby and witnesses reported that there was a change in the man’s movement which caused them to suspect him , on attempt to capture and search the content of the  bag, the man tried to jump into the nearby lake , but was caught on time by one of the ey witness.

“We noticed his sack was dripping blood and we enjoined some people to help us query the man further. He quickly ran into a lake but he was caught. We opened the sack and saw fresh dead babies. When we interrogated him on what he was doing with the gory items, he refused to answer but noted that he killed the mother of the babies.”The eyewitness said.