Home Breaking news Federal Government postpones telecommunication tax on data and calls

Federal Government postpones telecommunication tax on data and calls

Following the minister, the Information, Technology and Communication sector, mostly the telecom industry, is loaded with too much and multiple taxation, which will unfavorably affect the sector, if the government fails to do something about it.

Pantami stated that the ICT sector has been the support of the Nigerian economy both in the area of its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product and taxes collected by the Federal Inland Revenue Service.

The Federal Government has suspended the proposed excise duty on telecommunication services.

The suspension was announced by the Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Prof Isa Pantami, on Monday during the inaugural meeting of the Presidential Committee on Excise Duty for the Digital Economy Sector in Abuja.

The minister said, “However, in spite of the contributions and achievements of the sector, we have been recording some challenges coming up from time to time that if care is not taken these challenges could be a barrier to the development of this sector in the next few years to come. One of them is the issue of excessive taxation and sometimes, multiple taxation in the sector.”

He further disclosed that the number of taxes from both federal and state levels paid by firms in the ICT sector rose from 39 in August to 41 in September 2022, within a period of about a month.

“The ICT sector is being overburdened with so many categories of tax,” Pantami stressed, adding, “If care is not taken, this is going to jeopardize the achievements and gains we have recorded so far in the sector.”

The minister noted that with the increase in operating costs due to inflation and rising diesel, among others, there were more than 15 attempts to increase the price of telecommunication services within three years, which he kicked against.

The minister also said that he rejected the excise duty on telecoms because such a tax is usually introduced on luxury products or services.

He added that in most countries, it is usually introduced to reduce the consumption of certain things in the country, such as cigarettes.