Home Tech Internet I am scared of getting married because of sex

I am scared of getting married because of sex

A 26-year-old last has taken to social media to share her biggest fear about getting married.

According to her she said that she will be getting married soon but had no interest in sex.
I offer nothing when it comes to sex because I have experienced sexual harassment before, I fear getting married because of sex and it’s one of the things you offer in marriage.
She is curious to tell her partner about it because they haven’t had sex for once.
In other news…

Popular social media Personality Kemi has taken to her social media to disclose that she is not getting a gift for any man again after what she experienced.

The media personality took to her twitter account to reaveal this and vowed not to do such thing in her life as Again.

According to her, the first time she gave a man a gift which was a shirt , she visited him next time and discovered that the cloth have been turned into a rag .

However, on her second attempt to give a man a give which was a birthday cake , the man gave it to his neighbors in her presence.

However, kemi has vowed not to give gift to any man having experience negative reaction from both men .

In her words
“I stopped buying gift for men since my two worst experiences. I

got a tshirt for the first one and the next time I visited, it was his

rag, I got a birthday cake for the second one and he gave it out to

his neighbors in my presence. Ever since then I vowed never to

get men gifts.