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“I Bought My 1st and 2nd Car Myself”- Priscilla Ojo following the speculation that her success if from men.(video)

Daughter of popular Nigerian Actress Iyabo Ojo, Pricilla has address the speculation that that her achievement is from men.

The serial  brand influencer while speaking on her achievements as a young woman addressed  the speculations that men are behind it.

The 21 year old disclosed this during an interview with a popular media personality Stephanie Coker who asked her what her opinion is about the s aid speculations that she dabbled into the  lifestyle because she is young and beautiful following her achievements.

While replying o the question Pricilla stated that when  women who are  successful do things , people tends to speculated that her success is from form men even when that is not the case.

The young lady then admitted that even if she tries not to let it get to her, it actually does affect her.


Pricilla while still deliberating on the matter disclosed how she bought her first car.

She said: “I feel like when a successful woman is doing something

good, they will always tag it to a guy, whether she is doing that or

not. It gets to me to be honest, because my first car I bought it

myself, my second car I bought it myself but people always find a way to tag it to a guy. My mum knows, I know, so I’m cool.

“So whatever anybody feels, it doesn’t really get to me. But we can try hard to pretend it doesn’t get to us but it does get to us. At the end of the day, it’s what your life comes with so you have to just get used to it.”


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Meanwhile,  Iyabo Ojo has resulted to social media to address the

speculation that her newly found lover is a married man.

The thespian previously disclosed that he has found love and the man is from Igbo tribe.

She posted a dancing video of herself and  captioned it ,

“Thanks Obim for loving me so much & lifting up my

spirit………. Chai this yoruba girl’s heart has finally been

captured by an Igbo man 😊 ICYMI

While sharing her joy on social media trolls and critics started

speculating that her newly found love must be a married man.

The un confirmed rumor got the attention of the actress and she

replied them  saying she can “never” date a married man.