Home Celebrity “I suddenly lost my sight” – Actress, Maureen Okpoko cries out as...

“I suddenly lost my sight” – Actress, Maureen Okpoko cries out as she calls for prayers and support (video)

Veteran Nollywood actress Maureen Okpoko has in a viral heart-pouring video solicited  for financial assistance from fans and well wishers over are sudden vision impairment.

In the video that is now trending on every media,  he thespian disclosed that he recently went bling and unable to see anything.

 Maureen Okpoko cries

The also said that her life has not been easy since she lost her visionand therefore calling on every every well wisher to remember her in their prayer.

She also appealed to well wishers and philanthropist   for financial assistance as it has not been an easy journey for her since her vision impairment.

He went ahead and dropped her phone number so for any helper willing to reach out to her and help her.

in her word,

“I suddenly lost my sight, which means I can no longer see or I can’t see for now.

I’m seeking for your financial assistance, it would be greatly appreciated if y’all can come to my aid.

I also need your prayers and words of encouragement, it has not been an easy journey for me, but I’m grateful for the gift of life. Thank y’all”

Watch her speak below,