Home viral Lady narrates how a prophetess destroyed her home after give a fake...

Lady narrates how a prophetess destroyed her home after give a fake prophecy about her dad.(VIDEO)

A lady identified as Vanxxa  Disclosed how a certain prophetess destroyed her home during her childhood by giving her mother fake prophecy .


The lady broke down in the viral video as the she disclosed that  the prophetess prophesied that her dad will use her for money ritual .

Vanexxa revealed that this caused discomfort and  crisis amongst her parents to the extent her father will always leave home with nobody knowing the his location .

She disclosed that she got seriously ill shortly after that prophecy period Which add fuel to the  the fire  as the as it seems like the prophecy was about to come to pass.

Fortunately, it was discovered that it was food poisoning on reaching the hospital.

Read her full story

My childhood was a mess. My dad and my mom will

fight and my dad will leave the house for months.

My mum will beg me to call my dad and tell him

that I’ve not eaten and that he should come back home because we need him.

“My dad will come back home and my parents will fight again.

My mum then took my dad to a church for deliverance.

One pastor prophesized that my dad will use me for blood money.
After this my parents fought again and I begged my dad to come back home.

After begging my dad one fateful day, he bought me suya while returning home.

“I ate it and the next day, my tummy got swollen and I was purging.

I was taken to the hospital and the doctor said it was food poisoning.

My mum quickly remembered what the pastor said and concluded that my dad wanted to kill me and that the prophecy is true.

The doctor later explained that it was a natural ailment not spiritual and that my dad was innocent”.