Home crime Man arrested for defiling two sisters in Ogun state.

Man arrested for defiling two sisters in Ogun state.

A 30-year-old Prophet identified as Joseph Ogundeji from  the

Cherubim and Seraphim Church  located in Ajuwon, has been

arrested and   detained by  the  men of Ogun State Police

Command  for reportedly defiling two underage sisters who are

members of his church.

The suspect was arrested  on November 11, 2022, following   a

complaint made by the fathers of the two underaged girls to the

Ajuwon divisional headquarters.

The father of the girls  claimed to have learned that his 16-year-

old daughter is pregnant, and while asking the daughter who was

responsible for the pregnancy, learned that the prophet  of their

church was  Joseph Ogundeji   responsible.

The state police command’s spokesperson, SP Abimbola Oyeyemi, stated that in response to the report, the DPO Ajuwon division, SP Andrew Akinseye, assigned his detectives to arrest the prophet.

In sp’s word 

““On interrogation, the prophet admitted that he actually

committed the crime. In the course of investigation, it was

discovered that the said prophet did not only have carnal

knowledge of the 16 years old girl, but her 13 years o

younger sister too was defiled by the same prophet.

The two victims informed the police that whenever they

had vigil in the church, the prophet who lives very close to

the church would asked them to go and stay in his house

after the vigil which always comes to an end around 3 am.

They stated further that anytime they stay in the prophet’s

house, he used to give them something to lick, and after

licking it, they will sleep off only to wake up and discover

that the prophet had had sex with them.”

Abimbola Oyeyemi further stated that when the victims were

questioned by the police about why they disclose those ordeal  to

the  parents,  and they told them that Abimbola Oyeyemi had

threatened to murder any of them who revealed the identity of

the suspect.

The suspect has been transferred to the state’s criminal investigation department’s anti-human trafficking and child labor unit for additional investigation and potential prosecution, under the direction of police commissioner CP Lanre Bankole.