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Man disclosed how he was abducted and almost killed by suspected kidnappers after boarding a commercial bus in Lagos (video)

A yet to be identified man has made a shocking  narration on how he was abducted and almost murdered when he bordered a commercial bus along  Lekki-Ikoyi link bridge in Lagos state.

According to the video the man filmed which is now making round media, he disclosed that he is a skate trainer/instructor and he said he just finished evening training at one facility  on the Island and decided to board a bus home from bus from the link bridge to Iyana Oworo.

According to him, when he boarded the buy, he noticed that there was a gas that knocks people off and everyone in the bus was asleep except him, he however said that he tied his nose with with a handkerchief.

“As I got into a bus that called Iyana Oworo, I noticed that there was this weird smell in the bus. Anybody who has been involved in military training or self defense will know gases that knock people off. That was what it was. So I spat in my handkerchief and used it to cover my nose. In about five or then minutes, every other occupants were all asleep asides from the team members who had all brought out their nose masks to cover their nose.” He said.

He further disclosed that when he driver of the vehicle looked back and noticed that he was not sleeping hw queried him and that made him realized that they were kidnappers.

He however bagged them to take his valuables like his phone worth 1.3 million and his jewelries worth million but they refused


He said

“They said the only place I am going to come down is

where they will dagger me and pieces me. Because they

saw that I was shouting, they veered off the road and went

to the place that leads to Adeniji Underbridge. It was pitch

dark. They brought me out and started using knife, cutlass,

different things on me. I am fortified. I am an african. So

when they saw that the stabbing attempts, that the knife

was not entering…about three of them held my neck,

another two held my hand to the back, they put knife on

my neck to try and slash my neck and slaughter me but it wasn’t penetrating.

I heard their leader telling them in Hausa that they should

lie me down and use their boot to crush my head.. About

three of them were wearing army uniforms. About six of

them held my hand and legs, two were using their boots to

hit my eyes, hit my nose, they just wanted to knock me

out. After some minutes, I just realised I was getting dizzy

and I was about to faint and once that happens, these people will take me and do whatever they want.

So I reached out for my bag which was on the floor and

nobody noticed. I took out the knife and I started waving it in different direction so it cut one of them in the tummy.

His tummy got bursted, another one in the eye and they

started bleeding profusely. Their leader was now like they

have gotten the remaining ones who are asleep, let them

carry them and deliver them and that they should leave me”.

Watch video