Home viral Moment Lady throws boyfriend out of her house after catching him cheating...

Moment Lady throws boyfriend out of her house after catching him cheating (video)

A man was captured in a viral video where he is be being throw out of the house by her girlfriend after she caught him cheating on her.

In the trending video , the man was captured pleading with the lady as she was busy tossing his things out of her house and evicting  him from her house.


Information gathered was that the man lives in the same  apartment with the girlfriend who pays rent and all of their bills and  carter for him but unfortunately  she caught him cheating on her and she got him evicted  from her house.

The disappointed girlfriend was spotted in the video throwing  the belongings of the boyfriend down as he was seen struggling to defend himself.

The man who was been chased out of the house boldly demanded for the television set he bought for the house since she chasing him out of her house, the Angry girlfriend however dashed in to the house, grabbed the television and threw it down from the balcony causing minor damages to the device.

The young man protested why she threw his television from that height, and this made the lady go down to confront her cheating lover face-to-face. However, seeing her approach, the man fled the scene.