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“My wife diapers me every night” — Popular Kenyan gospel singer opens up to bedwetting.

Wiliam Getumbe; bedwetting
Wiliam Getumbe; bedwetting

Popular Kenyan gospel singer and music Producer Wiliam Getumbe,  had confessed about his bedwetting habit and how he has been coping with it in his marriage.

This unbelievable confession was disclosed by Getumbe  to TUKO.co.ke’s Brian Ajon during an exclusive interview with him, stating that his wife Virginia Masitha, had a knowledge of this rare condition of his and have ben helping him out  by diapering him every night before he sleeps to avoid wetting the bed.

Getumbe also ascertained that the , he might not be the only adult that bed wets but he is the only one that is not ashamed to let his condition known to family and public  ascertaining that such adults ends up ruining their marriages .

 Wiliam Getumbe; bedwetting
Wiliam Getumbe; bedwetting

The also showered at lot of praises on his wife who has supported and stood by him even with his embarrassed condition.

“Many families have been broken because of bedwetting.

However, my wife understands me so well, she diapers me every

night without looking down on me. Many men are using pampers,

in particular high schoolers, drunkards, and those who are

terminally ill. I advise men not to fear using diapers; it is the only

way to keep the bedroom clean,” he said.

Causes of adult bed-wetting may include: A blockage

(obstruction) in part of the urinary tract, such as from a bladder

stone or kidney stone. Bladder problems, such as small capacity

or overactive nerves


In another news ,

A young lady had a horrific encounter with with a monkey in the zoo as the money seized her phone and destroyed it afterwards.

In the course to take a cleared view of the monkey, the lady came  closer to the picture the animal but unfortunately her phone was seized and broken by the primate which left her devastated.