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Nigerian professor, Uju Anya and her lesbian lover express love for each other on Twitter

US-based Nigerian professor, Uju Anya, and her lesbian lover, Sirry Alang, have strred reaction among netizen as they publicly profess their love on twitter.

Uju Anya came to lime light after she posted a controversial tweet about the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth II, wishing her an ‘excruciating’ death in her final moment.

The professor , who is proudly gay and seizes every opportunity to express love for her lesbian partner, has once again expressed admiration for her.

In addition, lesbian lover identified Sirry, took to Twitter to share her favorite photo of them, accompanied with a love poem by African-American write, Audre Lorde.

She tweeted,

“Apropos of nothing, see my fav pic with my love. Audre Lorde’s Recreation comes closest to describing my reality in this ’ship. A stanza:
“Touching you I catch midnight as moon fires set in my throat
I love you flesh into blossom
I made you and take you made into me.”