Home Tech Internet No man deserves your body as a Christmas gift-Pastor Temilolu

No man deserves your body as a Christmas gift-Pastor Temilolu

I hope this won’t turn out to be your worst Christmas ever as I know many men both home and abroad have been scattering your pretty heads in the last few weeks with promises of an unforgettable Christmas (smiles).

 Many girls would suffer unforgettable heartbreaks, some will end up terminating pregnancies and most would enter into dangerous spiritual transactions and soul ties that will divert the course of their destinies.

 Why would anyone foolishly follow the devil when you can have great joy, peace and eternal life by simply following God’s dictates?

Believe me, if you are still a virgin, you don’t know what you have.

If no one has told you, with your virginity intact, you have conquered 80  per cent of life’s troubles because as long as the gates of your spirituality aren’t open yet or defiled, you have an enormous power of God residing in you.