Home Foreign Reaction as 19-year-old student becomes Miss America’s first ever transgender local pageant...

Reaction as 19-year-old student becomes Miss America’s first ever transgender local pageant winner (photos)

Brían Nguyen' transgender

19-year-old student identified as  Brían Nguyen, broke the

record to become  becomes Miss America’s first ever transgender

as critics accuse the competition of ‘allowing opportunities to be

stolen away from female contestants’.

Brian who is a student of business management  become Miss

America’s first-ever transgender contestant to win a local


The win from Brían Nguyen’ transgender stirred a lot of criticism from  critics  who

accused  the competition of ‘allowing opportunities to be stolen

away from female contestants’.

Earlier this month, Brían Nguyen, 19, made Miss America history

when she became the first transgender woman to win the Miss

Greater Derry title.

The Miss Greater Derry Scholarship Program, set up by the Miss

America Organization, welcomes contestants between the ages of

17 and 24 who are judged on their ‘their achievements in

scholastic, aptitude, talent, character, community service, and

poise’, according to their website.

19-year-old student becomes

In April, the business management student will compete against

other local title holders to become Miss New Hampshire 2023.

The winner of the state round will then proceed to participate in

the wider Miss America pageant later in the year.

Writing for the Daily Fetched, 42-year-old former Miss Great

Britain said:

‘I won the Miss Great Britain competition in 1998 and

aside from all the glitz and glamour on the surface, it involved a

lot of time and effort.

‘Seeing the news that Brían Nguyen won the pageant made me

think how I would feel if I was beaten by a large biological male

after spending months training and preparing for the contest.
Brían Nguyen' transgender
‘Winning the competition opened up a world of opportunities to

me, a result of being allowed to fairly compete in an era absent of

woke ideology. Sadly these young women today are not being

given the same chance.’

The former beauty queen went on to accuse the pageant of being

‘desperate to appear woke and inclusive’ to appeal to younger


She added: ‘Brian Nguyen has just been lucky enough to be born

in the right era.’

‘For the sake of females going forward, we cannot allow this, they

don’t even realize the opportunity that has been stolen from them

by a biological male and it’s out of control.’

Ecstatic about her win, Brían Nguyen’ transgender took to her Instagram page to

celebrate the landmark achievement, stating that words can’s

describe what the win means to her.

She wrote:

“In the 100-year history of Miss America, I have officially become the FIRST transgender titleholder within the Miss America Organization.

‘No words can describe the feeling of having the opportunity to serve my community and represent my community for the very first time at Miss New Hampshire.

‘I am so honored to be crowned your new Miss Greater Derry 2023, and I am thrilled to show you all what I have up my sleeves. This will be an amazing year.”

Brían Nguyen' transgender