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“She is not a student of our school” –Nekede SUG disowns viral lady who attributed graduation to her private part

The student union Government of federal polytechnic Owerri has disowned the viral lady who said she was able to scale through her academic with the help of God and her private part.

The student identified as Sharon Ogechi Okoroafor went viral few day ago after she posted a video where she attributed her academic success to God and her private part.

Following the outbrust of this video on every inter net, the school Management launched a search and investigation to fish Sharon.

Sharon apologized to the public via phone call to Darling Fm Owerri sating that she never meant to say her private part rather she meant to say her Popsy (father).

Following the recent finding  andd statement  released by the Student union government ( SUG) led by Ahaneku Valentine, it was discovered that Sharon was never a student of the institution because she never had a matriculation number neither saw she assigned to a project supervisor.

The statement reads,

“We have noted with grave concern a viral video of a lady

claiming to be a student of Federal Polytechnic Nekede,

our great institution and noble alma mater. We have

conducted a background check on the said student who

goes by the name, Sharon Ogechi Okoroafor from Ngor-

Okpala LGA of Imo State. We wish to state, thus, that the

Student Union Government views this video as sacrilegious and condemnable.

Also, the said Sharon is not a bonafide student of the

Federal Polytechnic Nekede because she has no

Registration (Matriculation) Number. She also has no project or research supervisor to show she has graduated.

Indeed, the purported student never joined others to do

the defense which brought them to school because she had

no work to defend. In fact, reports have it that she only

came to take valedictory photos with her so-called coursemates.

Anyone can gatecrash in lectures but only a student who has been duly registered and screened by the institution is a genuine student ?Our institution is a reputable brand across the nation, having been rated best-performing polytechnic, and our Rector as best Rector five times.

It is the same institution that has produced great minds and leaders. We can therefore not allow the name of our great institution to be taken to the mud by the accusations of a base character. We, therefore, urge Miss Sharon Okoroafor to stop forthwith in her fraudulent claims that she is a student of Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri. Already she has caused great damage to the sensibilities of noble students of the polytechnic and those of the entire Nigerian students nationwide. We leave her in the hands of posterity to judge?” The statement re