Home viral Two teenage boys arrested after herbalist they approached for money ritual...

Two teenage boys arrested after herbalist they approached for money ritual reported them

Security operatives in Edo state has apprehended two teenage

boys  after the herbalist they allegedly approached for Money

ritual reported then to the security.

The teenagers identified as Daniel Sunday ,19  from Akwa-ibom

state And 19 year old ikponmwosa ogbebor that hails from Edo

state were reportedly arrested in Oluku Ovia North-East LGA of

the state.

Daniel Sunday and ikponmwosa ogbebor was reportedly arrested

by men Edo state security vigilante network after they were

informed by a female herbalist they went to for money ritual.

Col.Kole oshoriamhe Omomia , the state coordinator of the vigilantee network disclosed that the two suspects confessed to be in search for money ritual.

He also added that they claimed that did not want to kill anybody in the process of the ritualism but willing to sacrifice  any part of their body for it.

Meanwhile A concerned Nigerian man who is a youth Corp has

raised alarm over a 9 year old woman that is constantly abused

by her biological mother thereby inflicting so many injury on her.

The man wo claimed that he lives in the same building with this

family  said that this mother alleged beats, strips and tortures the

9 year old girl for hours in a locked room inside their home.

He said that her mother has repeatedly beaten and scalded her face with Hot spoon

The man identified as Inyene Macauley also said that this torture goes on for hours and none of her neighbors has ever cared to confront her about this inhumane act.