Home Celebrity Virginity Saga: Daddy Freeze reacts after being called out by Destiny Etiko...

Virginity Saga: Daddy Freeze reacts after being called out by Destiny Etiko – [Video]

Controversial media personality Daddy freeze has replied actress, Destiny Etiko after she publicly called him following the controversies surrounding her virginity claims.

This rollercoaster incident started when  reports that Destiny Etiko had given an interview stating that she was still a virgin at the age of 33 and had never been in an intimate relationship trended on every social media.

Following this allegation. thespian took her instagram account to debunk trending accusation and  denied ever granting any interview on her sexual life.

Destiny further lashed  out at those spreading the rumours and labeled them as clout chasers.

She also took a swipe at media personality Daddy Freeze, who held an Instagram Live session to discuss her virginity status.

She further slammed Daddy Freeze for bringing up her personal life during an Instagram live session.

However, daddy freeze in recent video defended himself from destiny’s accusations while pinpointing  that since Etiko is famous, she cannot expect to keep her private life private and that anyone has the right to talk about it.

Freeze also disclosed that after publicly insulting him, Etiko later apologized to him in private.

” Soso soberekon called me and connected the call to Destiny and she apologized to me but why will she insult me in public and apologize to me in private” He said in part

Destiny Etiko was described by Daddy Freeze as a powerful actress in the East who might soon make it to Lagos.

He said that if she truly wants to advance in the field, her PR team should advise her on how to handle problems.

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