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“We swore to ourselves” – Lady says as she visits mentally ill boyfriend with food (Video)

A lady was captured in a viral video attending to her mentally challenged boyfriend and  melted the heart of so many netizens.

In the viral video currently making round media , the lady seen feeding her mentally impaired boyfriend who was  dressed in a dirty tattered clothes.

The lady took to her twitter page and shared the video she took when she visited  him captoning that they swore to each other that only death can separate them , hence she cannot leave him alone.

She posted the video and captioned

“We swear to ourselves that only death can separate us so I can’t leave him alone. No matter your situation I still love you.” She wrote.

Watch video


In another news, Couple who have date for six years and is set to

tie the knot has shared a heart melting picture of their struggling

phase when their relationship was still new.

This soon to be groom identified as @Tibz_fresh on twitter took to

micro blogging platform to share how far he has come with his

wife to be and disclosed that they are set to tie the knot.

sharing the picture of their transformation from hardship to when thing took turn for the best ,the couple celebrates their six years of togetherness and how hard work and care for each other paid off.

“It’s the story of the trenches lovers

It’s been 6 years of love and happiness.

It’s about time we make it official ❤️
U&IForever’22❤️, “ he wrote.