Home Travel Best Christmas Gift ideas for your Wife/Girlfriend .

Best Christmas Gift ideas for your Wife/Girlfriend .

Best Christmas Gift ideas for your Wife/Girlfriend .

In one of our recent articles we discussed the best Christmas Gift ideas for your husband/ boyfriend and to ensure we are fair on every ground we have decided to look at some really beautiful gift ideas you should consider this December in appreciation of how wonderful your woman has been all through the year.

Women are emotional beings who are moved largely by what they ear but to keep a woman, a good woman precisely your level of thoughtfulness and intentionality must be displayed in the way you go all out to not only be a provider but a man who occasionally proves his level of Love and admiration for his woman by showering her with gifts.

Below is a list of the 10 best Christmas gift ideas for your Wife/Girlfriend

Best Christmas Gift ideas for your Wife/Girlfriend .

Best Christmas Gift ideas for your Wife/Girlfriend .


Some women were too busy or maybe just not financially able during the year to spare just a few hours or a day to visit the spa for a full body work. You can walk into a good body spa on her behalf,make necessary payments and arrangement for a nice session and just tell your better half to walk in and get her body touched in the most subtle manner .

9. A Goody Bag

there are customized boxes and hampers with different items believed to be presentable enough to a woman/Lady. Edibles like wine, fruits, chocolates, cookies, candies, books, sanitary items and a few other items are contained there and you can even decide to curate a box containing other items that you believe your woman will love to have.

8. Gadgets

women enjoy attention and they love what’s in vogue, they want what the biggest girls have and move around with. You could choose to drop that bag on making her happy by gifting her newer gadgets as an upgrade to the ones she previously had.

7. Vacation ( Staycation )

women Love to rest, they literally enjoy doing nothing. A short staycation at any good hotel/ Air BNB, lodge or guest house or preferably an inter state/country travel on vacation would be a great idea.

6. A Job/Skill acquisition Opportunity

women are up skilling everyday and they are no longer comfortable depending on men or being liabilities to those who provide for them. One amazing thing you can do for your partner this December is to help her secure a spot if possible a job at an organization she has always wanted or an opportunity to learn that trade or acquire the skill you believe in agreement with her will bring out the creative and more successful part of her.

5. A facetime/ video message from her favorite celebrity

women are obsessed with male celebrities especially the not so accessible ones. Imagine having Davido wish your girlfriend a merry Christmas on your behalf and then he goes ahead to tell her how amazing you think she is and how grateful you are for having her in your life. That would be one unforgettable experience that she would hold onto for the rest of her life.

4. A dinner date

what distinguishes a regular dinner date from this very type is the exquisiteness and intentionality involved in planning the date and making it a reality. This is not one of those “let’s go grab something to eat across the road type of evening”, this is a “babe ,I bought you this dress,put it on,get ready by 8pm we would be going somewhere” .. To spice things up, buy her the dress for the evening.

3. A new purse/bag

Women Love luxury and whatever exudes luxury would definitely get her all mushy. It could be Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Fendi or maybe just one regular local designer, buying your woman an aesthetically pleasing bag that even other women would admire and envy is one very good Christmas present idea.

2. Jeweleries/Wigs

Women would die for wigs, they’ll literally do anything to buy that

wig they took a screenshot of in June. Spending some thousands

in ordering a good wig will do so much good in making your

relationship a beautiful one. Ensure you patronize a legit vendor

to avoid being scammed by fake vendors. Jeweleries on the other hand are

special accessories that go a long way in exposing the beautiful feminity your woman exudes. It doesn’t even have to be so expensive, just ensure it is beautiful and noticeable.

1. Clothing

Amongst the Best Christmas Gift ideas for your Wife/Girlfriend, Nothing brings out the babygirl in every lady you meet out there

than brand new clothes. Be it a beautiful gown,a simple blouse

,some skimpy dress or that denim she has always craved. Listen

to her and observe those clothes she calls your attention to,that

gown she showed you after service on a Sunday, the shoe she

told you her colleague wore for her 1st marriage anniversary. She

wants one of those or maybe all of them . Pay attention when it comes to your woman.