Home Education Best courses to study in Nigeria

Best courses to study in Nigeria

Best courses to study in Nigeria

8 best courses to study in Nigeria

With less than 30 days to 2023 and probably two months to the release of the next set of JAMB forms for students who are interested in moving further with their education by being admitted into tertiary institutions, we have decided to help answer a question that disturbs so many admission seekers


“What course should I study in school?”

So many factors have over the year influenced the choices made by students who are studying different courses in Nigerian higher institutions. From the prestige the course holds to the ease of getting a good job after school, the renumeration and salary asides many other factors people make selections for different reasons asides their interest. Some even make selections just to satisfy their parents desire or fulfill lifelong dream of their parents .
This article would help the next set of admission seekers make a choice of course that is highly recommendable both within and beyond the shores of the nation. A course that is promising , diverse in operation and in steady demand in the labour market.


This has always been a prestigious course to study. It is advisable

that for those who can face the task of becoming a medical doctor

or a surgeon of any form squarely, they should consider this very course of study.

There has been a recent heavy migration of medical practitioners

out of the country to other countries where they are highly sought

after and paid huge salaries. Countries like Qatar, UAE and even the United Kingdom are seeking medical doctors and surgeons.

2. NURSING: similarly to medicine,nurses are also in high demand outside the country and they are also trooping out in their numbers monthly in search of greener pastures. In the united States, nurses could earn up $80000 annually.


this is a course studied by Individuals who are interested in reading x-ray and scan results and dealing with bone structures amongst other internal organs in the body. They are not so common within the country which explains the value they carry.


Even though most financial activities have been automated and

we now have A.I’s and Robots in charge of finances, roundups

and sometimes advertising and customer service, Marketers are

still highly sought after. Goods and services are introduced into

markets every hour, specialist in marketing and advertising gurus

are needed in publicizing these goods and services. The marketing industry is one industry that can never go out of style.


quite similar to medicine but unlike medicine, pharmacists are specialized in administering and prescribing drugs. This is one course that has potentials,quite promising and highly recommendable.


why should any one study English or French language? Well these are the most lucrative languages to study in Nigeria seeing they are the two most popular and most widely accepted and spoken languages on Earth . They are sellable languages i. e they are languages that could get you a very good job when you learn to speak and even interact with them in the most fluent way possible.


engineering never goes out of style. It has always been a top course and will remain so for as long as human intelligence is needed in creating and putting parts of a creative work together. From petroleum engineering to aeronautics,civil, marine and so on,you could pick any completely based on your interest and abilities.


this is the study of the science of the mind and behavior. Psychologist earn hundreds of thousands of dollars annually solving issues pertaining to the human psychology. This is one highly sought after course in the country and the world at large.