Home Foreign China sets up police stations in Nigeria to tackle fraud, corruption.

China sets up police stations in Nigeria to tackle fraud, corruption.

The government of federal republic of China which have opened several branches of its police station has established one in Nigerian to monitor  it’s citizens living abroad.

This was disclosed in a reporter titled “110 overseas Chinese transnational policing gone wild” whose purpose is to fight corruption and crime committed by Chinese nationals I. Foreign countries.

This report also revealed that this police station are have been opened in 22 countries around the world.

It’s location in Europe are London, Amsterdam, Prague, Budapest, Athens, Paris, Madrid and Frankfurt.

Northern America also housed four Chinese police station and are situated at London, Amsterdam, Prague, Budapest, Athens, Paris, Madrid and Frankfurt.

In Nigeria, the Fuzhou-Run overseas police “Service Station” is said to be located in Benin City, Edo State.

The reporters stated that the essence of this police station is to curb and
“combat the growing issue of fraud and telecommunication fraud by Chinese nationals living abroad,” and its operations have resulted in 230,000 Chinese nationals being “persuaded to return” to China “voluntarily” in the last year to face criminal prosecution.



in the other news, A  kano girl identified as Ummita  was  cold bloodedly  murdered in her father’s house bay a chinese man in Kano .

Report says that the girl didnt accept his love and he followed her to her father’s house and stabbed her several times to death.

Accoding to Ummita’s cousin ,Ummita got married  last year  december , the chinese she got married and supported her marriage, she asli disclosed that

the chinese man liked Ummita so much to the extent that he converted to islam because of her .