Home viral “Does God really exist?” — Man Questions God’s existence after van...

“Does God really exist?” — Man Questions God’s existence after van he saved up money to buy to start a logistics business got completely burnt

A frustrated Nigerian man has taken to social media to question Gods existence and fire claimed a. Can he saved up money to buy , so he could start a Logistics Business.

This man identified as @Damzi took his page on the micro blogging platform twitter to share his predicament in the wee hours of Wednesday October 19.

Dam I had earlier broadcasted on twitter, on Monday October 17 the purchase of the Bus which he disclosed that it took him three years of savings to afford the vehicle.

Sharing the photo of the vehicle he said,

“After 3 years of starving/saving I got myself this car which I will be using for interstate journey in parking loads for people, it has not been an easy task after loosing my job. Plz guys say a prayer and help Retweet for my customer might be on your timeline.

Barely 48 hours Damzi celebrated the purchase of his vehicle , he announced that fire gut the vehicle to an irrecoverable stable state.

The frustrated man posted the picture of the burning vehicle and captioned it,

“Does God really exit?? My car got burnt without no single help, who have I offend? For years I have been struggling with life, why didn’t God take my life while i was working hard to safe this money? Why now that I think things are better for me?

Will I survive this? 💔💔😭

Will life ever be fair to me? Will I ever make it in life? I struggle to make money, why will it go off within hours? Will I call this village people? Anytime things are about getting better for me, from no where it will get bad, guys pray for me I don’t think i will survive this.”