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Even nuns watch porn, Pope says, as he warns on risk of watching Porn.

Pope Francis

Pope Francis  the first has warned  catholic priests and nuns about the dangers and risks  of watching pornography online, stating it “weakens the priestly heart”.

Pope Francis said this while responding to a query  about how digital and social media should be best used at session in the Vatican.

Speaking on pornography, the Vatican  said was “a vice that so many people have… even priests and nuns”.

“The devil enters from there,” the Pope told priests and seminarians.

When asked  the right way  to navigate the  social media to the

digital world, he advised that social media should be used but so

much time should not  be spent on it.

“The pure heart, the one that Jesus receives ever day, cannot receive this pornographic information,” he said

He  further advised the the group to “delete this from your phone, so you will not have temptation in hand”.

The  Roman Catholic church requires that all clerics ranging from

reverend fathers to Nuns  to  remain celibate – which is to detest

from things of the flesh like sex and marriage.

Watching porn would breach these requirements.

 Recently, The British Prime Minister Liz Truss has announced her resignation just six weeks after resuming office.

Truss bowed to the inescapable after her right-wing platform of tax cuts deteriorated and as many MPs among the ruling Conservatives revolted.
The fate for Truss came after a key minister resigned and many
Tory MPs rebelled over an important vote in chaotic scenes at the
House of Commons late Wednesday.
By Thursday morning, more than a dozen Conservative MPs had publicly urged Truss to resign, after her tax-cutting plans caused a market meltdown during an already severe cost-of-living crisis.
“The prime minister acknowledges yesterday was a difficult day and she recognizes the public wanted to see the government focusing less on politics and more on delivering their priorities,” her official spokesman told reporters.
Slightly two hours later, she resigned.