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“My father made his child sex slave, my children are my siblings”-Lady Opens on how she and her sisters sexually by their father for years until she had 5 kids for her dad (video)

Aziza Kabibi; sex slave
Aziza Kabibi; sex slave

The lady, identified as Aziza Kabibi  has opened up on how her

father sexually molests and beat  her at the tender age of 12 and

she’d wished she had not been born .

Aziza  Kabibi disclosed this in a viral video she posted that was

making round media,  she said despite that fact that her mother

is aware of this incest , she made no effort to stop him or help

her out. She recounted how was isolated from the rest of her

extended relatives  so her father’s predicament will not be

revealed to the public.

Azizza Kabibi  in the viral video revealed that her father father

once said that his abuse on her was ordained by God .

This lady disclosed that she was once  on the verge of running

way fro home but was stooped by her her brothers and sisters ,

realizing that her father will molest her sisters too if she runs

away so she  decided to stay back because of them.

However, her father promised her that he will not molest her

other sister if she complies which she did , but she later

discovered that her father also started raping his  younger sisters just like


Aziza  Kabibi disclosed that she first conceived  for her father at

the  tender age of 15,and  gave birth  five times for his fathers,

and they children were delivered by his father at  their home each



Aziza disclosed that, her father hade 6 children in total from his

daughters, However, she also shared a video of her father was

later apprehended and charged at court for child sexual molestation.

It also turned out that her father a man identified as  Aswad

Ayinde whos is a Grammy award winning music director, famous

for directing the music video for the Fugees’ hit song “Killing Me


Aziza Kabibi; sex slave

Watch video below