Home viral Myanmarese Lady solicits for help after her Nigerian Husband brought her back...

Myanmarese Lady solicits for help after her Nigerian Husband brought her back to Nigeria and ran away with their children.

A Thailand based Nigerian man identified as Ezekiel Ugochukwu Unachukwu has been called out by Myanmarese wife for abandoning  her after he brought her and their kids from Thailand to Onitsha.

Information gathered  was that Myanmarese identified as Nan cho Aye has  reportedly  been in a relationship with Mr Ezekiel for 10 years and they have two kids together.

According to one source Ezekiel and his wife and children and their children, returned to Nigeria from Thailand after he was banned from the country for allegedly involvement with cocaine .

“They returned to Nigeria in November 2021 and were

staying in Onitsha, Anambra. Ezekiel had told Nan he

wanted her to meet his family for marriage purposes which

never happened. She returned to Thailand on his request

but he never joined her in the country. So she came back in

September 2022, to look for him but he had absconded

with the children.” the source said

Nan said she found out that he woke up one night and left the

family house they were staying at and ran away with their kids to

an unknown destination. She said after trying to reach him via

phone didn’t work, she approached a human rights activist who

scammed her of $3,200. She went further to reveal that she had

reached out to the police as well but that proved abortive.

She alleged that she fears for her kids safety as Ezekiel was abusive towards them. She doesn’t know what else to do and is confused at this point,” a source familiar with the incident said